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Puppies were born 4rd March. Mother is Inter Champion Polish, German, Slovak, Champion, Setter and Pointer Club Winner 2011 HD B, BAER Normal, correct full dentition, 62 cm SILVANUS PENELOPE.

Father is son of famous World Winner, European Winner BB’s Surfin’s Catalina, Champion HD A, BAER normal, correct full dentition, 67 cm LATIN LOVER THE BOSS. Puppies will be combination of American, Australian and Finish lines.


TILLIA Simarilion


born: 04.03.2012r

o: C.I.E Latin Lover THE BOSS

m: C.I.E MultiCh. Silvanus Penelope

HD A ED 0/0 BAER normal

PRA rcd 4 clear, complete scissor bite

FCI Working Certificate

TRISTAN Simarilion

born: 04.03.2012

sir: C.I.E. CH.Latin Lover The Boss

dam: C.I.E CH. Silvanus Penelope

HD A,  BAER unilateral deaf

complete scissor bite

TABASCO Simarilion „Hunter”

HD A1, BAER normal, complete scissor bite, PRA rdc4 clear

C.I.E Champion International d’ Exposition,

Champion of Germany, Junior Champion of Germany

sir of litters in Charming Vagabond, Elater Polonica, Sunrise&Storm and  BlackBerry White Kennel

owner: Sabine Niebuhr Germany –

TIARA Simarilion

HD C/D ED 0/0 BAER normal,  P3 left uper jaw missing, scissor bite

Grand Slovakia Champion,

Champion of Slovakia

Junior Champion of Slovakia

TAMARILLO Simarilion

HD B ED 0/0 BAER normal complete scissor bite

Champion of Hungary, Serbia

Junior Champion of Hungary, Serbia, Romania

Multi BOB and Group placement