25 lipca przyszły na świat szczenięta z wyjątkowego skojarzenia!
Zarówno mama LIMBA AMAZES ME Simarilion, jak i Mr. Hu Sheradin’s Star MANHATTAN
pochodzą z unikalnych skojarzeń, dlatego niezwykle nas cieszy to połączenie rodowodów.
Mamy 2 dzieczynki i 4 chłopców.
Wszystkie przeszły badanie słuchu z wynikiem BAER normal, są też genetycznie wolne od PRA rcd-4
At 25th of July we welcomed very special litter!
Both LIMBA AMAZES ME Simarilion and sir orange belton Sheradin’s Star MANHATTAN
are products of unique combination and we are so excited to join this pedigrees together.
We have 2 girls and 4 boys, all BAER normal and PRA rcd-4 clear by parentage.
Rodowód planowanego miotu / Pedigree of future litter | ||||
BIS. Sheradin's Star Manhattan HD A ED 0/0 BAER normal PRA cdr4 clear Thyroid normal orange belton | Ch. Editions Lions Tigers And Bears HD good BAER normal Orange Belton | Merriman & Stardom Fire At Hidden Lane HD good BAER normal orange belton | Ch. Indian Bend Too Hot To Handle HD good BAER normal orange belton | |
Ch. Stardom Colony I'm Coming Up HD good BAER normal orange belton | ||||
Editions Swimsuit Edition HD good BAER normal orange belton | Ch. Bittersweet Nite N White Satin HD good BAER normal orange belton | |||
Ch. Editions Radioactive HD good BAER normal tricolor | ||||
C.I.E Ch. Sheradin's Star Black Velvet For Arisland HD A BAER normal | Ch. Wyndswept Reflection of a Legacy HD excellent BAER normal blue belton | Ch. Wyndswept's Encore AKC HD fair BAER normal orange belton | ||
Ch. Stagedoor Firecracker HD excellent BAER normal tricolor | ||||
INT., Ch.Pl, Ua, Lt, Rus, Ro Fairray Jetset HD B BAER normal orange belton | Am.Ch. Can. Ch. Oakley's Red Bull CGN HD good BAER normal orange belton | |||
Fairray Brighton orange belton | ||||
C.I.E Ch.PL,SK,VDH,LT,HUN Limba Amazes Me Simarilion HD A ED 0/0 BAER normal PRA cdr4 clear Thyroid normal blue belton | Am. Ch. Stagedoor It Amazes Me HD good BAER normal | Ch. Country Squire Rock Star HD excellent BAER normal Blue Belton | BIS/BISS Am. Ch. Stagedoor Rock It Man HD good BAER normal Orange Belton | |
Ch. Blue Quail Country Squire Danica HD good BAER normal blue belton | ||||
Am. Ch. Hemlock Lane Jem to Stagedoor HD good BAER normal orange belton | Ch. Stardom's Magic Tri Summer Hill HD good BAER normal tricolor | |||
Am. Ch. Hemlock Lane Ruby Red Slipper HD good BAER normal orange belton | ||||
C.I E C.I.B Ch. PL, VDH, AUS, LUX Tillia Simarilion HD A BAER normal PRA cdr4 clear orange belton | Ch. Latin Lover The Boss HD A BAER normal blue belton | C.I.E, C.I.B Ch. Lorien July Sunburst HD A BAER normal orange belton | ||
World Winner Ch. Blue Baltic's Surfn' Catalina HD A BAER normal blue belton | ||||
C.I.E. Sh. Ch. PL, SK, GER Ch Silvanus Penelope HB B, BAER normal orange belton | Ch. Temeraire Torrid Zone HD normal BAER normal tricolor | |||
Ch. Silvanus Noblesse HD A BAER normal tricolor | ||||