14.11.21 IDS Poznań

brand new Polish Winner 21’ with CAC, CACIB and Best of Oppsite Sex
judge Krystyna Opara

22-24.10.21 3xIDS Komarom

in chmapion class 3x CAC 2x CACIB res.CACIB 2xBOS
judge Hana Kunfalvi

RAPHIA STARRING IN Simarilion in junior class 3/7
30.09.21 Kromeriz Gundog Speciality
LEGO AMAZES ME Simarilion in champion class 1/2 CAC, Specialty Winner,
RAPHIA STARRING IN Simarilion in junior class 1/5 JCAC, Junior Specialty Winner,
LIMBA AMAZES ME Simarilion in working class 1/2 CAC
TILLIA Simarilion in weteran class 2/3,
BHANUMATI FOR SIMARILION Black White Passion in open class 1/2,CAC,
Specialty Winner, Best of Breed
and finally BEST IN SHOW 3rd!!
breed judge: Jadwiga Konkiel
best in show judge Mr. Peter F. Berchtold
Simarilion Kennel(Raphia, Limba, Tilla and Lego) by judge Alenka Pokorn
reserve Best Breeders Group in Show.
Brenda and Lego was awarded by judge Iveta Vojtekova.
26.09.2021 IDS Wrocław
RUBIA STARRING IN Simarilion in junior class 1/5 JCAC, Best Junior in Breed,
TILLIA Simarilion in weteran class 1, Best Weteran Breed
XXVII Pointing Dogs Club Show Wrocław
LEGO AMAZES ME Simarilion in champion class 1/3 CAC, Club Winner, Best of Opposite Sex
RUBIA STARRING IN Simarilion in junior class 1/5 JCAC, Junior Club Winner Best Junior in Breed, res.BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW
LIMBA AMAZES ME Simarilion in working class 1 CAC
TILLIA Simarilion in weteran class 1, Weteran Club Winner, Best Weteran Breed, res.BEST WETERAN IN SHOW
BHANUMATI FOR SIMARILION Black White Passion in champion class 1,CAC, Club Winner,
Best of Breed and BEST IN SHOW!!
Simarilion (Limba, Tilla ans Lego) was also res.BEST KENNEL IN SHOW
Breed judge: Mirosław Olejnik
BIS junior judge: Wojciech Burski
BIS weteran judge: Aleksander Skrzyński
BEST IN SHOW judge: Tadeusz Chwalny

14-15.08.21 Double IDS Sopot

14-15.08.21 Double IDS Brno
RAPHIA STARRIN IN Simarilion EX 1, CAJC, Best Junior in Breed
New Junior Czech Champion

07.08.21 Slovakian Club Show
VICTORS VERY VALENTINO in champion class EX.1 CAC,
Best Male, Club Winner, Best of Breed and BEST IN SHOW WINNER!!
RAPHIA STARRIN IN Simarilion EX 1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner.

17.07.21 NDS Jelenia Góra
breed and group judge:Aleksander Skrzyński

11.7.2021 KV MSKAO show in Náměšť na Hané
Raphia Starring in Simarilion V1 CAJC, BOJ, Best of Opposite Sex,
Best Junior in Show 

congratulations to the owners, we are very proud!!
10.07.21 XXIV. Klubová výstava MSKAO Slavkov u Brna
Breed judge: Wolfgang Eickert (DE) Bella Gamerights-Loveaffair

LEGO and BRENDA won BEST COUPLE IN SHOW!!! judge Petr Řehánek
SIMARILION breeding group won reserve BEST IN SHOW!!! judge Ronny Blomme

03.07.2021 Landessieger Brannenburg
BHANUMATI FOR SIMARILION Black White Passion in open ex1/2 CAC, BOS, Bayern Winner.
ROMEO STARRING IN Simarilion in junior ex1 Best Junior in Breed.

19.06.2021 National Show Łódź
judge: Adam Stasiak
in open class ex.1/2, CAC, Best of Opposite Sex.
29.05.2021 IDS LESZNO
judge: Marlena Jakubowska
Our debutante RUBIA STARRING IN Simarilion in junior class ex.1/2 Junior Winner.
BHANUMATI FOR SIMARILION Black White Passion ex.1 CAC, CACIB , Best of Opposite Sex.
TILLIA Simarion in veteran class ex.1 Best Veteran in Breed
LEGO AMAZES ME Simarilion in champion class ex.1 CAC res. CACIB
TRISTAN Simarilion in veteran class ex.1